Friday, December 24, 2010

Toruń, Poland

So, classes have finished for the year! Hooray!!! I had organised a few months ago to visit a friend I lived with in Hawaii to visit him in Norway and spend Christmas with him (look forward to my next post on Norway- that's where I'm writing this and it's amazing!)... Anyway, I had a few days up my sleeve between classes finishing and Norway beginning so I thought I'd check out a little bit of Poland! 
I chose Toruń because it was super cheap and I'd heard really good things about it. I was thinking os going to Krakow but friends and I who I went to Prague with are going to go in January and visit Auschwitz so I didn't want to go twice. Also, Toruń was a few hours closer...

Anyway, after a full day of traveling consisting of 5 trains with snow delays of at least 30 mins between train in about -10 to -15 degree temperatures, I was glad to finally get to the hostel. For the next three days I basically got up, put on my 100 layers of clothing and headed out to look around. Toruń is a pretty small town and with -10 degrees it makes you check things out pretty quickly! But here are a few photos (some you may have seen on Facey already):

Border of a fort built in the 14th Century (the next few pics)

Ice on the Vistula River!  

Copernicus! Champion of everything!! 
He was first person to suggest that the Sun was the centre of the Universe, not Earth. Pretty much shaped the way for the Scientific Revolution...Also, in his spare time he was a mathematician, astronomer, physician, quadrilingual polyglot (spoke four languages), classical scholar, translator, artist, Catholic cleric, jurist, governor, military leader, diplomat and economist. Yeah...

Lots of churches here! 

Haha, I went to the "Living Gingerbread Museum" which I was hoping would be a place full of Gingerbread men from Shrek... I was disappointed. Although instead I got to MAKE Gingerbread! it didn't come to life- but still pretty fun! 


So, yup. there ya go. I definitely didn't need 3 full days there, especially in winter and by myself but was still nice- and super cheap (7 Euro per night in the hostel and 0.75 Euro for 0.5L of Beer) :oD
but now I'm in Larvik, Norway and it is Christmas Eve which is the main day Christmas is celebrated and definitely is better then Poland haha. I'll be here until after New Years so wait a week or two and there will be a nice long post full of amazing photo's! 

Merry Christmas everyone!! xoxoxox

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